Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Cece's Story

Once in a moonlite night. All of a sudden... out of the blue. Mary popped out and said BOO HOO! She scared me half to death. And fortunatly I was with a friend. Her name was....... RACHEL! Rachel was scared, and hid behind me, but I was just about to fall and she helped me to stay put! Then someone else came along, and told me her name... it was.... RACHEL! She had her little brother with her. His name was... RACHELO! Scaring me and the first Rachel, we hid behind Mary. And then ran all the way home. But then are parents said there name was Rachel, and Rachelo, and even Andrea (my friend) said her name was Rachel, and her brother said his name was Rachelo! It was scary! We were jumping out of are sockets! Mary came up, and said Hi, I am RACHEL! We ran to Nashvill in Tennassee, but even there everyone was Rachel, and Rachelo! We were scared out of our minds. We went to Alaska to see Sarah Palin and get some help. But she said.... My name is not Sarah Palin. Why did you think that? My name is Rachel! We went to see Obama, and Biden since we thought they were soon going to be President and Vice President of the United States. But what they said was: Obama and Biden: "My name is not Obama or Biden, it is RACHELO! JINKS!"We were scared out of our minds. We said to each other "Maybe people out of The United States will help us! We went to China, and they said in there wierd accent:Leah Ling: "Fidlajalni asknfolaifjnononl !eofj!ojofh!"Wich means: I am not Lee Ling, I am RACHEL!We ran back home. And we ran into my room. My parents came up. We were dreading this moment. They said:Rachel, CeCe, what are you doing?"We said "What is your name?"They said "Mom and dad a.k.a. Dale and Janet."We rejoiced! And they looked at us wierdly and shrugged going back into the kitchen to get us ice cream.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New Hangman game new!!!

I just wanted to draw everyone's attention to the fun, new hangman game you can play by yourself! Check it out! It's another good reason to visit this blog, and spread the word!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Don't Miss out on the party!

Invite ALL your friends. This is a blog party, and it would be mean to deprive your friends of laughs and fun! Send out an e-mail, call your friends! Spread the word!!! Let us know if you've invited someone, and we will be so happy!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

R U awesome dumb or normal? Find out!

Yeah, so my last post was kind of dumb. Oh well.

Now it is time to move on from dumbness, and go to Awesomeness!

Here is a quiz to find out if you are awesome, dumb, or normal!

You just got 20 bucks! What are you going to do with it?:
(a): Buy a milkshake for me... and all of my friends!
(b): Lose it.
(c): Save up for college!

Your handwriting is:
(a): has lots of personality and is understandable!
(b): It's messy and nobody can read it
(c): It's really really really neat cursive!

You are at a party:
(a): You talk to lots of ppl and participate in all of the games! You tell your friend to jump in the pool with all her clothes on! ;P
(b): You pout because you lost, don't talk to anyone, and complain that you don't like the food

(c): You don't go.

Alright, find your answers, and here are the results!:

Mostly A's: You are totally awesome!

Mostly B's: Sorry to be the one to break it to you, but- you're dumb.

Mostly C's: You are normal. Whatever.

Now here is the trick! You have to share with everyone the results of your quiz! Mua ha ha!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Average Day of Rachel Gavilan

"Oh man, I have to wake up."
"Hey! Chocolate chip cookies down here from HG last night! Noone is around maybe just one wouldn't hurt!"
"Hey, A new e-mail! Yay! someone finally e-mailed me!"
"Yay my horse on Howrse is thriving, I wonder how much I could sell him for."
"Oh great, time for school, hopefully it won't take long!"
"Finally done with school!"
"Great, no more new posts on Cece's blog! Doesn't she EVER visit it?"
"Not on Mary's blog either. sigh"
"I wonder what I have to do today- nothing as usual!"


Now I will use words to describe Cece. Studies show that that makes the person happy.
-Down to Earth


Saturday, September 27, 2008

I am feeling Awesome!

Woo Hoo! I got to be an author of this blog. YAY!

I think I am feeling Awesome! and DUMB and NORMAL

I like cows, and they are awesome. Especially white cows

I think cleaning my room is normal.

Barney is dumb. No offense.

P.S. My Bird is AWESOME!!! woot woot!